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Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog Mix

Gender: Male, Neutered

Age: 1.5 year

Weight: 35 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: Yes

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium high 

Meet Todd!

Todd is a passionate, energetic, and sweet dog. He loves his human attention, always wagging his tail and is friendly to other dogs and cats! 

Todd was found in a busy market, dumpster diving to scavenge for food when he was only 6 months old. He was emaciated and had poor skin condition. The rescuer quickly sent him to the vet to get help. Through the intense dietary and skin treatments, Todd has regained his health and recovered from his skin conditions, he now has a beautiful coat of fur and healthy skin. 

Todd is currently flourishing in the foster family. He loves getting the love and care he never knew existed. Todd barks a little when strangers ring the door bell, he does not mean any harm but just wants to remind his human friends that someone is visiting. 

He is now neutered and has received all of his vaccination.  Todd is ready to find his forever home. 

Please open up your heart and home for Todd. If you're interested in Todd, or would like to help Todd, please click on the links below.