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Breed: Labrador Retriever 

Gender: Male, Neutered

Age: 6 Years

Weight: 52 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: Semi- potty trained  

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Ford!

Ford’s former owner had a gambling addiction which led to unpayable debts. He soon fled from his house leaving Ford behind in a deserted house with no sustainable food or water. The neighborhood began to suspect Ford was abandoned when he began to bark and wail in desperation and starvation. A kind neighbor eventually found a way to give Ford some food and water to help him survive and called our rescuer for help. When our rescuer found Ford, he was still weak but happy to see a friendly face. Obviously abandoned, he was left with nothing but a single last meal, what soon became a couple of empty bowls with no food.

Knowing what a great dog Ford is, our rescuer took him to the vet to get him checked up. He was found to be relatively healthy, just malnourished and dehydrated. He was neutered and given all up to date vaccinations.

Ford is now living with his foster family and at a healthy 52 lbs. He is a very smart dog and like most Labradors, enjoys food and exercise. For is very peaceful and is friendly to people, other dogs, and cats. He is accustomed to taking walks 3 times a day and has no food aggression.

Ford is ready for his second chance at a forever home.

If you would like to adopt, foster, or sponsor Ford, please click one of the buttons below.