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Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog/

Shepherd Mix

Gender: Female, Spayed

Age: 1 Year

Weight: 22 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: Semi Potty Trained 

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Anna!

Anne is gentle and docile young dog. She loves to being around people. She is friendly and quiet, always looking for your attention while wagging her tail. She is peaceful with other dogs and cats.

Anne comes from a heart-breaking family. Her former owner suffered from the terminal stage of kidney disease and could no longer take care of Anne due to her considtion. They deeply loved each other. However, when her former was hospitalized, other family members didn’t like dogs, so they sent Anne to the animal shelter. Anne is innocent. She might have thought being well-behaved wasn’t enough to keep her with her loving owner forever. Anne kept waiting in the shelter for her former owner to take her home. Once our rescuer learned Anne’s story from shelter worker, she went to the shelter to rescue her. She found her former owner and promised her that she would find a loving family for Anne. We continued our rescue work with Anne. We arranged all the medical examinations, had her spayed and vaccinated to make sure she is safe and sound.

Anne is in the foster family now. The foster family heard about her sad story and wanted to give her so much love and care. She has always been a great companion pet. She is adorable and sensible. Anne is optimistic and friendly to everyone. Anne is ready for her second chance.

Please open your heart and your home. If you would like to adopt, foster, or sponsor Anne, please click one of the buttons below.