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Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog/Lab Mix

Gender: Female, Spayed

Age: 8-Month

Weight: 27 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: In training 

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Bubble!

Bubble was found underneath the front door overhang of a retail shop on a day where the rain was just pouring down. She was found with another rescue, Abbie. She was at the time very skinny and weak. She found shelter in a cardboard box, but still soaking wet, shivering, and only 3 months old.

Lucky for her, our rescue happened to be in the area shopping. She saw her and picked up baby Bubble. No information was found on her, she was likely abandoned or lost or both. Her rescuer quickly took Bubble to a warm place and grabbed a towel to dry her.

After drying off, Bubble was off to the vet. She was examined and treated for malnourishment, she was later spayed and given all necessary vaccinations.

Fast-forward to today, she is a totally different dog. Bubble is now healthy and the correct weight for her size. She loves to play with people and toys, a great temperament combination easily trainable dog. She gets along with everyone and knows how to listen to commands to get her toy or treat.

She now lives with her foster family and is happy, but she really wants a forever home. Please open your heart and your home for Bubble!

If you are interested in helping or adopting Bubble, please click one of the buttons below.