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Breed: Maltese

Gender: Male, Neutered

Age: 6 Years

Weight: 11 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: In training 

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Pudding!

Pudding was found on a busy street with his playmate Angie, he was found looking very skinny, weak, and dirty. The rescuer was driving by and found him in the middle of the road. Pudding didn’t know how to avoid moving cars; he was very panicked and needed help.

Luckily, the rescuer was able to quickly take him to the animal hospital and arranged for him to have all of his medical examinations. He was then given all vaccinations and neutered.

Pudding is a healthy boy now; he is quiet and loves people and animals like other dogs and cats. Unfortunately, we found that Pudding’s vocal chord had been removed so he can no longer bark. He likely had lived in a cage for most of his life with a previous owner. He now lives with a loving foster family, they took care and patience with Pudding to begin to leash train him.

Pudding is a great fit for a family that wants a quiet and smaller dog. He is very used to being held and loves to be with people and grew up with another dog. He is ready for his forever home. Please open your heart and home to Pudding.

If you would like to adopt, foster, or sponsor Pudding, please click one of the buttons below.