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Breed:Formosan Mountain Dog/ Shepherd Mix 

Gender: Female, Spayed

Age: 4- Month

Weight: 11 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: In training 

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Naomi!

Naomi was found with her siblings in a trash dump as a 2 month old puppy and without her mother. Something we so often find for pups that were either left there or found their way to the garbage facility while scavenging for food. In this particular case, it seems like the owner may have encountered an unplanned litter or a breeder did not like the results and decided to toss them away.

Lucky for Naomi and her siblings, our rescuer found them and chose a very good vet to look over and examine the newly rescued batch making sure and helping them become perfectly healthy puppies!

Naomi is now a 4 month old happy and playful pup. She is very intelligent so she has begun to learn good behavior very quickly from adult dogs. She loves being with people and loves to explore the outdoors.

Naomi is a perfect fit for both adults and children, she even loves to play with other dogs as she has been living with a foster family that fosters multiple breeds, age, and size dogs. She has lively facial expressions and loves to look to people for attention. Naomi has a young and happy heart, having forgotten that she was once abandoned.

Naomi is looking for a home; she is waiting for her second chance to call her next home her forever home. She guaranteed to fit in quickly and melt your heart because she is very attentive and wants to please.

If you would like to adopt, foster, or sponsor Naomi, please click one of the buttons below.