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Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog/Lab Mix

Gender: Male, Neutered

Age: 3-Month

Weight: 6 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Good with cats 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: In training 

Crate Trained: N/A

Leash: N/A

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Shami!

Shami is a lovely boy. He was found when he was around one-month old. So young, he had just begun to open him eyes. He and his three siblings were wandering around in an industrial sized garage dump facility. The condition was dirty and dangerous. Large construction vehicles meant to transport large amounts of trash would frequently endanger Shami and his siblings. With no trace of his mother, the siblings instinctively stuck together and kept away from danger. However, they soon began to starve without the nourishment of their mothers milk, it’s hard to imagine how incredibly helpless they were.

Our rescuer is no stranger to places like the garage dump Shami was found in. Neglected dogs frequently occupy these places. They have either been dumped there or ended up there while scavenging for food. Luckily for Shami and his siblings, our rescuer had found them and quickly took them to the vet. While there, he has been checked and treated for ailments. They also tested for heartworms and treated for ticks and fleas as well as any common disease. Shami is now a healthy pup ready to find his forever home.

Of his siblings, Shami is the only boy. He enjoys being cuddled and pet. He is very food driven which often causes him to fall asleep with a full belly. We are looking for a loving family that understand the responsibility of raising a puppy like Shami. Your home will be a welcome change for him compared to the dirty conditions he had been accustomed to. He is ready to join your family, to not have to worry about him next meal, whom he can trust, and to understand who he can call him family.

If you are interested in helping or adopting Shami, please click one of the buttons below.