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Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog/Lab Mix

Gender: Male, Neutered

Age: 6 months

Weight: 18 lbs

Dogs: Good with dogs

Cats: Not tested 

Kids: Good with kids

Housebroken: In training 

Crate Trained: Yes

Leash: Good on leash

Energy Level: Medium

Meet Felix!

Felix is a sweet, energetic, and playful dog. He is affectionate and is kind and friendly to other dogs!

Felix had a rough start in life. At a very early age, he was found with his four other litter mates and their mama dog straying from places to places to stay alive. Malnourished and exhausted, two of the pups almost did not make it but fortunately, our rescuer saw them and get them immediate medical attention. Luckily, all five pups and the mama dog survived. 

Felix and the other pups have since been living in a worry free environomet with his foster family.  He is currently going through house-training. He loves giving kisses and likes to follow the foster parents around the house getting pet on the head. He will be a perfect companion for a active family to release his puppy energy. We are looking for a family who understands the patience and responsibility required to raise a puppy. 

If you want to give Felix a life that he never has to worry about his next meal, or would like to help Felix, please click on the links below.